Let's Discuss Qualified Leads

We’ll discuss:

Cost per lead goals

Acquiring ideal customers

AI +Automation lead flow

Results and expectations

Achieved #1 Google ranking for a prime keyword

Customer Overview

WeBoost (Wilson Electronics) is the country’s leading manufacturer of cellular signal booster technology. Whether you’re road-tripping in an RV, hauling a load in your big rig, living in the rural U.S. or Canada, or building a new home or commercial structure in a weak-signal location, Wilson Electronics’ award-winning cell phone signal boosters have you covered.

The Goal

Improve the Google ranking for the most relevant non-branded keyword.

What We Did

More Details
When the client stressed the importance of getting ranked for their most targeted term, we knew that it wouldn’t be an easy feat. We began by analyzing the search landscape to identify what SERP features were relevant for that specific keyword. We then worked to optimize the page’s content, page-level SEO, and schema to appeal to the user’s experience on the site. 

The Results

Google ranking of #1, including FAQ results


Like these results? Find out the exact steps we took to achieve them during your own custom strategy meeting.

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